Band Bios

Matt - Guitar

Frank - Drums/Vocals

Patrice - Lead Vocals

Mick - Bass/Vocals

Ron - Guitar/Vocals

Ron Palermo
Guitar & Vocals

After the demise of Cheez in 1969, Ron wasted no time in forming two exciting but short-lived cover bands called Tojo & The Feet (don't ask!) and Greenrose. Greenrose was unique in that it featured two lead guitars and two female singers.....everything from the Allman Brothers to the 4-part harmonies of The Association and CSN&Y with a few originals thrown in for good measure. Not common among bar-bands in 1972 Brooklyn!

After having been raised on the guitar styles of Alvin Lee, Dickie Betts and George Harrison, Ron soon found himself listening to the progressive sounds of Yes, ELP, Tull, Gentle Giant and others. It's not surprising that his next band, Fresh Aire, formed in 1974 took a harder edge playing large doses of Tull, Kansas, Zeppelin, Who and Yes. For the next six years Fresh Aire worked the tri-state area including the popular Long Island club scene in addition to the Hamptons, Hunter Mountain and of course their home base of Brooklyn.

Marriage in November 1980 began the era of the trio and then addition to the day job. This trio which later became a duo was called Oasis (yes we had the name first) and amazingly enough they still managed to pull off songs like Bat Out Of Hell, Stairway To Heaven and Paradise By The Dashboard Light and vocal harmonies that would rival CS&N any day. Oasis had a long run from 1981 to around 1995 when a 90's version of Fresh Aire was formed playing Soungarden, STP and Guns & Roses along with the old standards like Aqualung and Kashmir.
Ron played only occasionally from 1998 until the summer of 2004 and the birth of be continued!


Gibson Les Paul Custom (Anniversary Model 1974)
Fender Stratocaster (Deluxe Model 1991)
Gibson SG Standard (1971)
Tokai '56 Stratocaster (1980)
Music Man HD-135 Head (Re-tubed by Eurotubes)
Carvin 2x12 Cabinet (Celestion Vintage 30's)
Ibanez DDL Digital Delay
Ibanez Super Metal Distortion
Rolls ABY32 Switcher
Dunlop Cry Baby Wah-Wah (GCB95)
MXR Phase Shifter (Phase 90)


Gerald Bair - Long time friend....great singer/songwriter.

Great local band featuring ex-Fresh Aire drummer Don Sautner.

Jeff Bloch's Amp & Guitar Wellness Center

Beck Studios
Good friend Rick Witt (ex-Fresh Aire Sound Man)

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